Monday, December 26, 2016

First casualities

Yesterday I returned from a 3 night vacation, and seedlings looked well, actually they've grew a lot without my attention. The largest one now touches the lid:

I didn't water them because they looked moist, with green algae or something on all rocks. But next day three plants were laying almost flat, I didn't notice their soil was actually dry yesterday. That's because condensate from lid goes down to edge cells keeping them wet, but central cells are drying much faster.

Not a perfect shot, drying plants are on background, 3 of them. I decided to water them instead of making good pictures. After a few hours all but one plant show signs of recovery:

Central right still looking bad, but not completely dead, so it's a good chance to try rooting hormone in action. I've applied it at two middle plants. Will see if it helps.

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